Karın Çakrası Nedir? Nasıl Açılır?
Karın çakrası, diğer adıyla Manipura çakrası, vücudumuzun enerji merkezlerinden biridir ve özellikle kişisel güç, özgüven, irade gibi kavramlarla ilişkilidir. Sanskritçe'de "mücevherlerin şehri" anlamına gelen Manipura,...
Su Elementi Nedir? Özellikleri Nelerdir?
Su elementi, doğanın en temel yapı taşlarından biri olarak kabul edilir. Hem fiziksel dünyada hem de enerjisel düzeyde su elementi, duyguların, akışın ve değişimin sembolüdür....
Kristal Kuvars Özellikleri ve Faydaları
Kristal kuvars, yüzyıllardır insanlık tarafından hem estetik hem de spiritüel amaçlarla kullanılan bir taştır. Şeffaf ve parlak yapısıyla dikkat çeken bu değerli taş, özellikle enerji...
What is Bhastrika? What are its benefits?
Bhastrika is known as an important breathing technique in the yoga world. This technique, which means "bellows" in Sanskrit, energizes the body with deep and...
What is Eye Yoga and How to Do It?
Nowadays, long hours spent in front of the screen can cause serious fatigue and discomfort in our eyes. We spend a lot of time with...
What are the Characteristics of the Earth Element? How to Eliminate Its Deficiency?
The earth element is of great importance both in nature and in human life. In ancient teachings such as yoga and Ayurveda, the earth element...
How to Do Yoga at Home? Step by Step Home Yoga Guide
Yoga is known as a practice that calms the mind, strengthens the body and keeps it balanced. However, most people think that going to a...
What is Palo Santo? What is its use?
Palo Santo is a type of incense that we have heard about frequently in recent years and is particularly associated with energy cleansing. This sacred...
What are the benefits of Ylang Ylang Oil and how to use it?
Ylang Ylang oil is an essential oil with an exotic and sweet scent that has become quite popular, especially in the world of aromatherapy. Obtained...