Çocuk Gelişiminde Yoganın Yeri

The Place of Yoga in Child Development

Posted by Nui Yoga on

Nowadays, we all know how beneficial yoga is for us. But do we know the meaning of yoga for children? Children's Yoga, with its spiritual and physical effects, is very important for development!

After mother-child yoga exercises, now is the time to see your child practicing on his own feet!

What is Children's Yoga?

Children's Yoga is where classical yoga movements are adapted for children; It is a set of fun and disciplined movements that have their own rhythm. Children's Yoga teaches children to respect everything in nature and balances the harmony of the child's body and soul; It is an approach that gets support from stories and games while doing these. It is a preparation for an enjoyable journey of discovery for children. The most important element in Children's Yoga; There is no concept of loser. Children find the opportunity to express their creativity in a non-competitive and safe environment.

At what age can children start yoga?

Children's Yoga can be started at the age of 3. The earlier you start Children's Yoga; The efficiency is also higher. However, as parents, you should avoid pressure and coercion when your child starts yoga. If your child is forced to start practicing yoga one by one, it may cause him or her to become more unhappy and stressed. You should leave it to your child to decide whether to start or not.

Depending on the age group, lesson durations vary between 30-35 minutes, as children's attention can be easily disrupted. Each age group should be classified within itself. While even a few months can mean a big change in child development; Different yoga exercises should be offered for children of different age groups.

What Poses Can Be Done in Children's Yoga?

It is extremely important to choose more fun, simpler but effective movements in Children's Yoga practices so that children do not get bored and get more efficiency. So which poses are more suitable for children?

Surya Namaskar

The Sun Salutation series, an essential yoga practice for every individual from 7 to 70, is perhaps one of the most entertaining series for children! Can meow in cat pose; You can bark in downward facing dog pose. With this series, our little friend will have the opportunity to stretch while having fun.

Tree Pose

Tree Pose, one of children's favorite poses, aims to balance on one leg. And this pose is great fun for kids. You can tell your children to imagine the leg they are standing on as a tree trunk. To make the exercise more fun, he may even ask him to extend his arms like tree branches; You can ask it to move its branches like a tree blowing in the wind.

Shoulder Stand

Shoulder pose, which is frequently used in adult yoga, is one of the most effective poses for children to maintain body control. It can also be called "candle pose" so that children can understand this pose more easily. If our little friend wants, he can move his legs little by little; It can mimic a flickering candle flame.

Meditation Pose

Our last pose could be a meditation pose! Breathing in and out accompanied by sweet stories that accompany the pose will help your child relax and unwind.

It is extremely important for children to use comfortable clothes and yoga mats to minimize injuries and risks while doing yoga. You can also introduce your child to NuiYoga's environmentally friendly yoga mats ; You can both teach him the concept of recycling and help him practice comfortably!

What are the benefits of children's yoga?

Yoga provides countless benefits to every person of every age group. From body to mind; It affects people from social development to spiritual development. Children's Yoga also contributes to the development of children with its entertaining content, flexible movements and storytelling within the exercise.

Let's examine these contributions now!

Physical Benefits of Children's Yoga

  • It increases children's body flexibility.
  • It helps establish and strengthen body coordination.
  • It reduces the risk of injury that may occur from another sport.
  • It strengthens the immune system of children.
  • It improves sleep quality.

Mental and Spiritual Benefits of Children's Yoga

  • Yoga helps children cope with stress situations.
  • It increases concentration, focus and attention.
  • It develops children's teamwork skills.
  • Children's Yoga strengthens children's ability to express themselves.
  • It teaches methods for a productive, constructive life based on love, self-respect and respect for others.
  • It provides freedom from addiction to material wealth and brands.
  • It develops imagination and creativity.

''Children are not things to be molded, but individuals to be helped to flourish.''

In order for your child to flourish, do not be afraid to offer him all the options that come along the way and introduce him to the things he prefers!

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