Yoga Hakkında Doğru Bilinen Yanlışlar

Misconceptions About Yoga

Posted by Nui Yoga on

  • I'm not flexible at all, I can't do yoga!
  • Well, there is already pilates; My physique is also very good.
  • Yoga has passed us by now!
  • Studios are very expensive. What will I do yoga from now on?

You say?

So get ready: we're breaking misperceptions! Since yoga has nothing to do with flexibility; It is not just a physical activity; Moreover, you will find answers to many of your questions and misconceptions about how to do yoga without spending money.

Remember, the world outside will not change until the world inside you changes. That's why you should put your prejudices aside and read our article to learn the facts and find yourself!

I'm not flexible enough, I can't do yoga!

Many people think that they cannot do yoga because they are not flexible. However, this perception is completely wrong. Because doing yoga does not require basics such as being flexible or having done sports before. Doing yoga does not mean being flexible; Yoga is an enjoyable journey where you will discover your body and soul! Just as yoga has challenging poses; Your body has improved with the practices you will do until you reach this stage; You will see that you reach the point you want when you have difficulty but do not give up. What you need to do yoga is not flexibility; It is your body and your mind.

Don't run away, don't be afraid. Don't stop trying and embrace success!

Yoga is for women!

Since yoga does not require muscle strength in the beginning, it is seen as a "women's pursuit" by many people. However, when you delve into the philosophy and depth of yoga, it will not take long for you to understand how wrong this idea is. While yoga literally means unity and integration; It would not be a correct perspective to discriminate between genders in the implementation of the practice. Although yoga was an exercise practiced by men thousands of years ago, today it is an activity that everyone can do, regardless of whether they are men or women. At the same time, although more women do yoga today; The greatest yogis are usually men.

Yoga may not be very common among men's preferences; Men often prefer to work only certain muscle groups in fitness centers or with different exercises. However, men who develop their arms and legs may neglect their posture and spine. Therefore, the body may develop incorrectly. However, since yoga exercises even the muscles that are not working, it is a practice that will be good for your whole body and keep you calm.

Remember, yoga is for everyone!

Yoga is just a physical activity!

Yoga can shape our bodies; It can help us lose weight and yes, it can add flexibility. Well, is that all? Yoga is much more than physical exercise, it is a lifestyle! Yoga is not just about practicing physical poses, it is a state of attention. Yoga is creating awareness that covers every moment of our life. The only purpose of yoga should not be to be fit; You must learn to discover yourself and know your body.

If you want to see the countless other effects of yoga on our mind and soul and discover your self, you can read our article: The Effects of Yoga Poses on Your Spirit After Your Body ; You can take this opportunity to get even closer to yourself!

Pilates and yoga are the same thing!

Pilates is an exercise. Yoga is a philosophical system originating from India. All you need in yoga is your body and your breath. For Pilates, you need equipment. In traditional yoga disciplines, the only thing you use is your own body and breath. However, today, auxiliary equipment such as yoga mat , yoga blanket , yoga belt can be used to keep the head and neck comfortable . In Pilates, this diversity is greater. In many types of Pilates, it is not even possible to do movements without equipment.

Pilates is a sport, yoga is a journey!

I can't do yoga after this age!

Regardless of age, weight and health condition, there is a type of yoga suitable for everyone. The only thing that matters is that you want it and find the type of yoga that suits you best! There are yoga practices that you can do either standing or sitting. Yoga practices you do especially at older ages

It increases the energy, physical competence and motivation you need to continue your daily life, and will also play an important role in your socialization. You can start yoga regardless of your age; You can take an important step for both your physical and mental health.

Your age is not the obstacle to starting yoga; It could be you!

Yoga is so expensive!

It is generally thought that yoga is an expensive practice. This is normal because training is mostly done one-on-one or with fewer people. But there's something you need to know: you don't need expensive equipment or a studio to do yoga. All you need is to feel ready! Put on the most comfortable clothes at home and enjoy spending time with yourself…

''I don't want to go to the studio, but I want to set up my own studio; If you say, "A mat, some comfortable clothes, and my socks are enough." You can purchase NuiYoga 's products that best suit your budget; You can start your yoga practice in the most comfortable way!

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