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Things to Consider When Doing Yoga at Home

Posted by Nui Yoga on

Yoga helps people live a better quality of life; to make sense of the universe; It is a lifestyle that allows people to discover balance and move themselves to a better place physically. Although most people think that yoga is done in studios; There are also many people who do yoga at home. Today, in this article, we will tell you about the factors you need to pay attention to and the yoga equipment you need to have in order to avoid any injuries while doing yoga at home .

If you want, let's first consider what materials you need to do yoga at home.

The first of the most important concepts needed to do yoga at home is to choose a video that includes the explanation of a teacher you trust and the practice of the type of yoga you want to do . Because yoga is a lifestyle that involves a lot of detail, and it is very likely that you will have difficulty in applying the movements related to this lifestyle correctly without someone's guidance. Yoga teachers in yoga studios are there not only to show you the movements, but also to observe whether you can perform these movements correctly. By choosing the right video, you can have a yoga experience as if you had your own teacher at home. Also, if you are going to do yoga at home for the first time, we recommend that the type of yoga you choose is Hatha yoga.

Materials Required to Do Yoga at Home

You decided to do yoga to change your life, renew yourself and increase your awareness. But you neither have the time nor the financial means to go to a yoga workshop... Therefore, you will do yoga at home. The yoga equipment you must have on your journey is a yoga mat. 

What is a Yoga Mat Used for?

The yoga mat prevents you from coming into direct contact with the hard ground while doing yoga, thus reducing your ability to feel surface irregularities. Since the disorders cannot disturb you, you can focus on yoga. In addition, since the mats are made of fabrics that minimize slipping, you will be less likely to slip and fall to the ground during yoga. In this way, it will be possible for you to do yoga while being protected from injury possibilities. Since you will not have a yoga instructor with you when doing yoga at home, you need to protect yourself more. For this reason, you should never forget to buy a yoga mat. To get more information about the yoga mat, you can also read our article " Must Have Items for Those Beginning Yoga" .

While doing yoga at home, there is a high probability that you will strain your body and injure it, especially when trying Yin yoga positions. Therefore, you should use a supportive product in challenging yoga positions. The name of the yoga material that supports the body is yoga bolster.

What is Yoga Bolster Used for?

Losing the health of the body while trying to find balance with yoga is one of the scariest scenarios that can happen. For this reason, the body must be supported in the necessary positions during yoga. You can support your back, neck, waist and head with yoga bolsters and reduce the chances of injury by supporting these areas.

Let's talk about what you need to pay attention to when doing yoga at home...

What should be taken into consideration when doing yoga at home?

  • Do yoga in the same place all the time. Because once the mind gets used to routines, it can focus more on what it is doing. In other words, if you do not constantly change the area where you do yoga, your mind will be able to focus more on doing yoga as it will internalize the area where it will do yoga.
  • While doing yoga, you should not stick to a single video for a long time. Instead, you should try more poses by watching videos with explanations from various different teachers; You should also purify your body in different ways.
  • Yoga is a journey of purification, enlightenment, and discovery. Embark on this journey alone. So, make sure the house is empty while you do yoga. This way, you can listen to yourself better. Listening to yourself better means your yoga experience will be more successful.
  • Make sure that the floor on which you do yoga is hardwood. Because when you spread your mat on the parquet floor, the balanced surface will make yoga more enjoyable.
  • Since your body is in motion while doing yoga, it is very likely that you will become thirsty and sweat. You can easily meet these needs by taking your towel and water with you. And since you won't need to get up from your mat, you can return to yoga immediately.
  • Try to make yoga a regular practice. Because if you do yoga constantly, you can feel more purified and discovered.

Doing yoga at home is actually quite easy if you follow the rules we have explained above and have the yoga materials we have explained ... When it comes to yoga, the only thing that matters is your desire to start living in accordance with this lifestyle...

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