Kundalini Yoga Nedir? Faydaları Nelerdir?

What is Kundalini Yoga? What are the benefits?

Posted by Nui Yoga on

If you desire deep relaxation, kundalini yoga can help you achieve the awareness and peace you need. “Kundalini Yoga”, one of the types of yoga, is pure vital energy. Kundalini, meaning awareness, is located under the triangular sacrum bone at the bottom of the spine. Stimulants sit at the base of your spine, sleeping and not waking up. It is a form of yoga that moves up the chakras along your spine and is practiced to revitalize and reveal this energy.

What is Kundalini Yoga?

Kundalini yoga is a form of yoga that includes breathing exercises and repetitive poses. In yoga, Kundalini is supported through meditation, chanting, chanting, enhancing your practice by encouraging greater self-awareness and silence.

The purpose of kundali yoga is to awaken the kundali energy in your spine, helping you to increase your awareness and return to your inner world. The energy at the base and around the spine moves from two points and intersects at seven chakra points. Kundali yoga poses correct imbalances in the chakras by initiating a rhythmic, constant energy flow. Once the energy begins to move, your yoga practice becomes more conscious, more integrated with reality, and creates a higher state of consciousness.

Benefits of Kundali Yoga

  • Provides a flexible spine health
  • Calms and reduces stress
  • Provides emotional balance
  • Supports personal change and transformation
  • It helps to revive the sense of awareness.
  • Increases energy level.
  • It helps strengthen the physical body.

Kundalini Yoga Poses

  • Lotus (Padmasana)
  • It is often used as a starting pose in yoga classes. To perform the lotus movement, sit cross-legged on the mat with the feet turned outward and facing the ceiling. Place your left foot on your right thigh, then your right foot on your left thigh. Establish a steady breathing pattern while meditating, keeping your back straight.

  • Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

  • Cobra pose is an excellent yoga pose to stretch the back, strengthen arm muscles and relieve lower back pain. To do this pose, lie on your stomach with your legs touching the mat and your arms close to your sides. Bend your elbows and place your hands flat on the mat near your shoulders.

  • Corpse Pose (Savasana)
  • This move is often used to end yoga sessions due to its restorative nature. Most people consider this the easiest pose because it basically just involves lying on your back with your arms and legs on the floor. The truth is that it is one of the most challenging, as it requires silence, serenity and complete relaxation, as it relaxes you and helps you return to your inner world, while blocking all physical and mental distractions and requiring you to free yourself from daily worries and stress.

    When to Perform Kundalini Yoga?

    Kundalini yoga, which is one of the types of yoga that relaxes and enables an inner journey, is recommended to be done at sunset. This type of yoga, which you can perform comfortably on a non-slip yoga mat, is done in sessions. Each session differs from the previous session. The duration of these sessions varies between 90-120 minutes.

    How Should You Choose Clothing While Doing Kundalini Yoga?

    Clothing for the kundalini yoga experience, which is a peaceful and relaxing type of yoga, should be yoga clothes that do not bore you, give you free space and allow you to move easily, as in other types of yoga. White color clothes can be preferred because they allow energy flow more easily. You can choose yoga tights, yoga bra or yoga t-shirts. You can also choose non-slip yoga socks to perform the movements more comfortably and correctly.

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