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What is a Yoga Belt? Why is it important to use?

Posted by Nui Yoga on

It is important to use yoga equipment to have a productive experience in yoga, which consists of challenging asanas and yoga poses, and to perform the poses correctly. Performing yoga positions incorrectly can lead to physical injuries and may also lead you to move away from yoga.

One of the yoga equipment that supports and facilitates the yoga experience, such as yoga mats and bolsters, is the yoga belt, also called yoga strap. Yoga belts, produced from materials with minimal flexibility, help you perform yoga positions easier and more accurately.

What are the Benefits of Using a Yoga Belt?

  • It supports challenging yoga poses and helps them perform them more accurately and more easily.
  • The yoga strap makes it easier for people who do not have flexible muscles to stretch.
  • Yoga belts are used to stretch the knees, arms and feet.
  • Using a yoga belt makes transitions easier when transitioning between yoga poses.
  • It helps balance body weight.
  • It allows you to have a smooth and effortless yoga experience.
  • It helps to stretch the back to the necessary extent in yoga poses that require standing in an upright position.

Things to Consider When Buying a Yoga Belt

Choosing the right yoga straps, one of the yoga equipment that will make your yoga experience easier and more comfortable; As with other yoga equipment, it is very important. The features you should pay attention to when buying a yoga belt can be listed as follows;

  • When purchasing a yoga belt, you should make sure that the belt you purchase has iron ends on both sides. These iron tips will prevent the belt from slipping from your hand.
  • You should make sure that the yoga strap has a rigid structure that does not stretch. Yoga straps made of flexible materials may make it difficult for you to do the movements comfortably and correctly.
  • You should make sure that the yoga belt is the correct length. Choosing a short or too long belt may make your yoga experience more uncomfortable.

What are the Yoga Poses You Can Support with a Yoga Belt?

  • Natarajasana Pose
  • Dhanurasana Pose
  • Pashimottanasana Pose
  • Prasaritta Pada Uttanasana Pose
  • Pincha Mayurasana Pose
  • Chaturanga Pose
  • Padhangustasana Pose

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