Due to stressful work life and fast-paced life events, our mind and body are exposed to many stressors. For this reason, we invite many stress-related diseases. The main diseases caused by stress are high blood pressure and heart diseases. At this point, we have many alternatives to avoid contracting these diseases and to cope with stress. Among these alternatives, meditation has a special place and importance.
Meditation, which literally means "focusing on deep thoughts", prevents diseases caused by stressful life. Meditation, which is also recommended by doctors, is used as an auxiliary treatment in the treatment of stress-related diseases and in combating stress. Thanks to this practice used as an auxiliary treatment, you can discover the essence by delving deeper into the power of mental thought. With this discovery, it eliminates all physical and mental problems caused by stress by removing your mind from thoughts with bad energy.
In this month's article, we have compiled many important points for those who have just started or will start practicing meditation, which has many benefits. We wish you all pleasant reading!
What is Meditation?

Meditation is generally known as the practice of resting the mind and clearing the mind. In some religions, it also has meanings such as finding God, feeling death and existence. Meditation, which has become one of the most important tools to combat stress today, aims to find inner peace and purify the mind from bad energies while combating stress. For this purpose, after cleansing the body from stress both physically and mentally, it allows our body to function in a healthier way.
What Does Meditation Do?
Meditation regulates the stress level in the body by regulating the stress hormone. Thus, it eliminates the natural stress symptoms developed by the body such as fear, anxiety and worry. In addition, since it manages stress mechanisms, it also prevents diseases such as high blood pressure by regulating the functioning of the heart to a certain extent. In short, meditation helps prevent and treat all stress symptoms that may occur in the body, both physically and mentally.
How to Meditate?

Contrary to popular belief, the complicated meditation techniques we have created in our minds are quite easy and simple. Before you start meditation, you need to set the most suitable time zone for yourself. Because there should be no element that will disturb your mind during the time you allocate for meditation. You should also practice meditation techniques regularly. First of all, you should use meditation sets that will help you meditate, such as incense, meditation music, and scented candles. This will be better for you to focus. Afterwards, you can sit comfortably on your meditation cushion or meditation pillow and start with breathing exercises. Breathing exercises will help prepare both you and your mind. While doing breathing exercises, you should also focus on the energy flow in your mind. This way you can activate your chakras. Once you activate your chakras, you will be able to direct your emotions and thoughts. You can feel that meditation, which you practice for 10-15 minutes, refreshes your mind and body.
Benefits of Meditation
The main benefits of meditation are:
- It cleanses your mind deeply by relieving the stress you have experienced during the day.
- Fear and anxiety caused by stress. It helps you think more clearly by eliminating emotions such as panic.
- It provides a comfortable and quality sleep experience as it keeps your stress hormone at reasonable levels.
- It allows you to experience healthier and higher quality relationships.
- Thanks to the affirmations you make in meditation, you will gain inner peace.
- It takes your creativity and intuition to the highest levels.
- It eliminates your focus problem and increases your concentration skills.
- It regulates your blood pressure by reducing the pressure on the heart. It also keeps your blood pressure balanced.
- It strengthens your immune system.
- Since it offers a comfortable sleeping experience, you will never feel tired when you wake up in the morning.
Golden Tips for Beginners in Meditation

1-Set a special space and time for yourself
You should reserve a special space and time for meditation. Because you will arrange your work according to the time period you have allocated, you will turn your meditation practices into a routine. It will also be better for you and those around you to create a private meditation area, so you won't have to look for an empty room when it's time to meditate.
2-Take a comfortable position
Make all your preparations before starting meditation. Prepare all the necessary meditation kits. For example, set up your scented candles, incense, meditation cushion and the meditation music you have chosen before you start meditation. Then, adjust your most proper and correct meditation posture that will ensure that your body remains straight during meditation and will not disturb you. You can get help from zafu (meditation cushions) when determining this posture.
3-Determine correct breathing techniques
Breathing is perhaps one of the most important details of meditation. Determining the correct breathing technique is important for activating your energy chakras. Thus, it allows you to get more efficiency from meditation and purifies your body more.
4-Focus on your body
By focusing on your body, you can feel the energy flows more comfortably. To do this, first try to feel whether there is a tense point in your body. When you encounter a tense point, reduce the tension and dominance of that point in your mind by using certain affirmations.
5-Listen to your thoughts
Focus on your thoughts during meditation. Make sure that no thoughts other than meditation arise in your mind. Otherwise, you may not get results from your meditation practice. So try to manage your thoughts. In addition, focus on your breathing and the energy flow in your body as much as possible while managing your thoughts.
6-End meditation
After your meditation practice is over, you can gradually communicate with your environment. Leaving the meditation practice suddenly will cause the energy flow to be cut off from the body momentarily.