lleri ve Ayakları Terleyenler İçin Kaymaz Yoga Matı Seçimi

Choosing a Non-Slip Yoga Mat for Those Who Have Sweaty Hands and Feet

Posted by Nui Yoga on

Yoga is a method that provides both physical and mental relaxation, preferred to get rid of the stress of life, take a breather, reconnect with our soul, relax and calm down. Using yoga equipment in your yoga experience will make your experience more efficient and comfortable. One of the important yoga equipment is the yoga mat.

Many yoga mats have a similar appearance. However, there are big differences between yoga mats in terms of quality, comfort, grip and price. Non-slip yoga mats come to the rescue of yoga enthusiasts whose hands and feet sweat during the yoga experience. With non-slip yoga mats, even if your hands or feet sweat, there will be no posture disorder or change in position. If your hands or feet sweat while doing yoga, you can get information about choosing a non-slip mat by reading our article titled "Choosing a Non-Slip Yoga Mat for Those with Sweating Hands and Feet".


The thickness of your non-slip yoga mat affects your yoga experience. Especially in yoga positions where you focus your weight on your knees or elbows, very thin mats can damage and irritate these areas. If you choose a standard non-slip yoga mat, its thickness should be 3.5 – 5 mm thick. Yoga mats with a thickness of more than 3.5 cm provide greater comfort. Mats that are too thin can cause abrasions and bruising when performing movements that require ground pressure. Additionally, when your hands sweat, they can absorb the cold from the ground, causing you to feel cold.


The standard length of the yoga mat is 183-185 cm. For the best comfort yoga experience, it is ideal for the mat to be a few cm longer than our height. Width of yoga mats; It is usually 60cm. Just like the length, you should also adjust the width to suit you.


Your comfort is very important while doing yoga. It is important for nature and sustainability that the materials of the yoga mats you choose are obtained from recyclable materials. When you want to buy a yoga mat, most of the mats sold are made of PVC. It is important to choose rubber mats that have anti-slip properties and easily absorb sweat, especially for yoga enthusiasts whose hands or feet sweat. Non-slip, rubber mats; It has pores that absorb moisture. One of the most important features of non-slip rubber mats is that they are heavy. These mats, which are quite heavy, prevent position distortions and decreased efficiency in case your hands and feet sweat during your yoga experience. Mats with non-slip properties are directly related to the yoga style you practice. If you want to do Ashtanga or Vinyasa yoga, you should prioritize the non-slip feature when choosing a mat.

What are the Advantages of Non-Slip Yoga Mat?

  • It provides a safer yoga experience for yoga enthusiasts whose hands and feet sweat.
  • It has pores that absorb moisture.
  • It prevents position and posture deterioration caused by sweating.
  • It absorbs sweat easily.
Nui Yoga makes your yoga experience safer and more efficient with yoga mats. You can visit https://nuiyoga.com/ to purchase a non-slip yoga mat .

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